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May 2021 Rec Board Minutes

Caldwell Recreation Commission

Board Meeting Minutes


The regular meeting of the Caldwell Recreation Commission was called to order at 11:35AM in the BOE office with three members present. Also, present was Sean Blosser, director. Jake Ginn and Jeff Ediger, members, were absent.

The agenda was then approved as presented. The minutes from last meeting were read and approved 3-0. Motion by Amanda Eckerman, 2nd by Ryan Mayo.

A report from the director was reviewed. It included updates on the fence, baseball, and softball. The REAL program was also reviewed.

The board discussed the bills including pay for REAL help and summer umpires, with Matin Schmidt as the head umpire. Amanda Eckermann moved and Ryan Mayo seconded the motion to pay any outstanding bills and the pay rates as presented. Passed 3-0.

Under old business, the board briefly discussed the progress on the lights and a July meeting about baseball batting cage and the net replacement.

New business was about the recreation commission budget and remaining balances. Eric Eaton and Amanda Eckermann both agreed to serve another term on the recreation board. Their names will go to the BOE in July for final approval.

The next recreation board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 30 at 7:30PM in the BOE office. (Rain delays with softball/baseball may affect the scheduled meeting.)

With no other items on the agenda, the board adjourned at 12:00PM.

(These minutes are unofficial until approved by the Caldwell Recreation Commission board at the next meeting.)



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